尔格 Ergo 核心开发者。 Alex Chepurnoy概述, Alex Chepurnoy信息, Alex Chepurnoy区块链, Alex Chepurnoy维基, Alex Chepurnoy社交, Alex Chepurnoy Medium, Alex Chepurnoy ICO, Alex Chepurnoy回顾, Alex Chepurnoy快讯, Alex Chepurnoy
Pando Network 与 DistributedGallery 联合创始人。 Alexandre Rouxel概述, Alexandre Rouxel信息, Alexandre Rouxel区块链, Alexandre Rouxel维基, Alexandre Rouxel社交, Alexandre Rouxel Medium, Alexandre Rouxel ICO, Alexandre
Rarible 联合创始人兼产品负责人。 Alexander Salnikov概述, Alexander Salnikov信息, Alexander Salnikov区块链, Alexander Salnikov维基, Alexander Salnikov社交, Alexander Salnikov Medium, Alexander Salnikov ICO, Alexander Salnik
Dapper Labs 与 Flow 区块链架构师。 Alexander Hentschel概述, Alexander Hentschel信息, Alexander Hentschel区块链, Alexander Hentschel维基, Alexander Hentschel社交, Alexander Hentschel Medium, Alexander Hentschel ICO, Ale
Infura 资深系统工程师。 Alexander Attar概述, Alexander Attar信息, Alexander Attar区块链, Alexander Attar维基, Alexander Attar社交, Alexander Attar Medium, Alexander Attar ICO, Alexander Attar回顾, Alexander Attar快讯, Alex
2048 Ventures 管理合伙人。 Alex Iskold概述, Alex Iskold信息, Alex Iskold区块链, Alex Iskold维基, Alex Iskold社交, Alex Iskold Medium, Alex Iskold ICO, Alex Iskold回顾, Alex Iskold快讯, Alex Iskold追踪
0x 开发工程师。 Alex Browne概述, Alex Browne信息, Alex Browne区块链, Alex Browne维基, Alex Browne社交, Alex Browne Medium, Alex Browne ICO, Alex Browne回顾, Alex Browne快讯, Alex Browne追踪
The Daily Chain 创始人兼首席执行官。 Alex Libertas概述, Alex Libertas信息, Alex Libertas区块链, Alex Libertas维基, Alex Libertas社交, Alex Libertas Medium, Alex Libertas ICO, Alex Libertas回顾, Alex Libertas快讯, Alex Libert
Torquem SA 总裁。 Alexey Akhunov概述, Alexey Akhunov信息, Alexey Akhunov区块链, Alexey Akhunov维基, Alexey Akhunov社交, Alexey Akhunov Medium, Alexey Akhunov ICO, Alexey Akhunov回顾, Alexey Akhunov快讯, Alexey Akhunov
Arrington XRP Capital 合伙人。 Alex Shin概述, Alex Shin信息, Alex Shin区块链, Alex Shin维基, Alex Shin社交, Alex Shin Medium, Alex Shin ICO, Alex Shin回顾, Alex Shin快讯, Alex Shin追踪
Boulder 软件开发者。 Alex Beal概述, Alex Beal信息, Alex Beal区块链, Alex Beal维基, Alex Beal社交, Alex Beal Medium, Alex Beal ICO, Alex Beal回顾, Alex Beal快讯, Alex Beal追踪
PixelPlex 创始人兼首席执行官。 Alexei Dulub概述, Alexei Dulub信息, Alexei Dulub区块链, Alexei Dulub维基, Alexei Dulub社交, Alexei Dulub Medium, Alexei Dulub ICO, Alexei Dulub回顾, Alexei Dulub快讯, Alexei Dulub追踪
Ledger 全球销售副总裁。 Alexandre Lemarchand概述, Alexandre Lemarchand信息, Alexandre Lemarchand区块链, Alexandre Lemarchand维基, Alexandre Lemarchand社交, Alexandre Lemarchand Medium, Alexandre Lemarchand ICO, Alexand
0x 协议开发工程师。 Alex Towle概述, Alex Towle信息, Alex Towle区块链, Alex Towle维基, Alex Towle社交, Alex Towle Medium, Alex Towle ICO, Alex Towle回顾, Alex Towle快讯, Alex Towle追踪
Akropolis 首席技术官。 Alexander Mazaletskiy概述, Alexander Mazaletskiy信息, Alexander Mazaletskiy区块链, Alexander Mazaletskiy维基, Alexander Mazaletskiy社交, Alexander Mazaletskiy Medium, Alexander Mazaletskiy ICO,
Easy 2 Stake 创始人。 Liviu Alexandru Nica概述, Liviu Alexandru Nica信息, Liviu Alexandru Nica区块链, Liviu Alexandru Nica维基, Liviu Alexandru Nica社交, Liviu Alexandru Nica Medium, Liviu Alexandru Nica ICO, Liviu
Squarelink 联合创始人兼首席技术官。 Alex Patin概述, Alex Patin信息, Alex Patin区块链, Alex Patin维基, Alex Patin社交, Alex Patin Medium, Alex Patin ICO, Alex Patin回顾, Alex Patin快讯, Alex Patin追踪
以太坊、开源、金融的深度参与者。 Alexander Fisher概述, Alexander Fisher信息, Alexander Fisher区块链, Alexander Fisher维基, Alexander Fisher社交, Alexander Fisher Medium, Alexander Fisher ICO, Alexander Fisher回顾, Alexander Fish
StableUnit 创始人。 Alex Lebed概述, Alex Lebed信息, Alex Lebed区块链, Alex Lebed维基, Alex Lebed社交, Alex Lebed Medium, Alex Lebed ICO, Alex Lebed回顾, Alex Lebed快讯, Alex Lebed追踪
Coin Metrics 联合创始人。 Alexey Nokhrin概述, Alexey Nokhrin信息, Alexey Nokhrin区块链, Alexey Nokhrin维基, Alexey Nokhrin社交, Alexey Nokhrin Medium, Alexey Nokhrin ICO, Alexey Nokhrin回顾, Alexey Nokhrin快讯, Alexey No
Fidelity Investments 旗下 Avon Ventures 的投资人。 Alex Thorn概述, Alex Thorn信息, Alex Thorn区块链, Alex Thorn维基, Alex Thorn社交, Alex Thorn Medium, Alex Thorn ICO, Alex Thorn回顾, Alex Thorn快讯, Alex Thorn追踪
Social Capital 合伙人。 Alex Danco概述, Alex Danco信息, Alex Danco区块链, Alex Danco维基, Alex Danco社交, Alex Danco Medium, Alex Danco ICO, Alex Danco回顾, Alex Danco快讯, Alex Danco追踪
Cambrial Capital 研究分析师。 Alex Obadia概述, Alex Obadia信息, Alex Obadia区块链, Alex Obadia维基, Alex Obadia社交, Alex Obadia Medium, Alex Obadia ICO, Alex Obadia回顾, Alex Obadia快讯, Alex Obadia追踪
55 Foundry 总监。 Alex Reinlieb概述, Alex Reinlieb信息, Alex Reinlieb区块链, Alex Reinlieb维基, Alex Reinlieb社交, Alex Reinlieb Medium, Alex Reinlieb ICO, Alex Reinlieb回顾, Alex Reinlieb快讯, Alex Reinlieb追踪
The Daily Chain 创始人兼首席执行官。 Alex Smith概述, Alex Smith信息, Alex Smith区块链, Alex Smith维基, Alex Smith社交, Alex Smith Medium, Alex Smith ICO, Alex Smith回顾, Alex Smith快讯, Alex Smith追踪
NEAR 市场与用户增长专员。 Alexandra Breines概述, Alexandra Breines信息, Alexandra Breines区块链, Alexandra Breines维基, Alexandra Breines社交, Alexandra Breines Medium, Alexandra Breines ICO, Alexandra Breines回顾, Alexand
a16z Crypto 交易合伙人。 Alex Pruden概述, Alex Pruden信息, Alex Pruden区块链, Alex Pruden维基, Alex Pruden社交, Alex Pruden Medium, Alex Pruden ICO, Alex Pruden回顾, Alex Pruden快讯, Alex Pruden追踪
KIDTSUNAMI 创始人。 Alexander Eichhorn概述, Alexander Eichhorn信息, Alexander Eichhorn区块链, Alexander Eichhorn维基, Alexander Eichhorn社交, Alexander Eichhorn Medium, Alexander Eichhorn ICO, Alexander Eichhorn回顾,
Paradigm Fund 管理合伙人及首席财务官。 Alex Falko概述, Alex Falko信息, Alex Falko区块链, Alex Falko维基, Alex Falko社交, Alex Falko Medium, Alex Falko ICO, Alex Falko回顾, Alex Falko快讯, Alex Falko追踪
数字艺术家、电影制作人。 Alexander Mangel概述, Alexander Mangel信息, Alexander Mangel区块链, Alexander Mangel维基, Alexander Mangel社交, Alexander Mangel Medium, Alexander Mangel ICO, Alexander Mangel回顾, Alexander Mangel快讯
Set Protocol 联合创始人兼首席技术官。 Alex Soong概述, Alex Soong信息, Alex Soong区块链, Alex Soong维基, Alex Soong社交, Alex Soong Medium, Alex Soong ICO, Alex Soong回顾, Alex Soong快讯, Alex Soong追踪
TokenTax 联合创始人。 Alex Miles概述, Alex Miles信息, Alex Miles区块链, Alex Miles维基, Alex Miles社交, Alex Miles Medium, Alex Miles ICO, Alex Miles回顾, Alex Miles快讯, Alex Miles追踪
Notation Capital 创始合伙人。 Alex Lines概述, Alex Lines信息, Alex Lines区块链, Alex Lines维基, Alex Lines社交, Alex Lines Medium, Alex Lines ICO, Alex Lines回顾, Alex Lines快讯, Alex Lines追踪
Aurora DAO 联合创始人兼首席执行官。 Alex Wearn概述, Alex Wearn信息, Alex Wearn区块链, Alex Wearn维基, Alex Wearn社交, Alex Wearn Medium, Alex Wearn ICO, Alex Wearn回顾, Alex Wearn快讯, Alex Wearn追踪
SimpleID 联合创始人兼开发。 Alex Carreira概述, Alex Carreira信息, Alex Carreira区块链, Alex Carreira维基, Alex Carreira社交, Alex Carreira Medium, Alex Carreira ICO, Alex Carreira回顾, Alex Carreira快讯, Alex Carreira追踪
Trustology 创始人兼首席执行官。 Alex Batlin概述, Alex Batlin信息, Alex Batlin区块链, Alex Batlin维基, Alex Batlin社交, Alex Batlin Medium, Alex Batlin ICO, Alex Batlin回顾, Alex Batlin快讯, Alex Batlin追踪